Sunday, March 15, 2015

Chapter 11 Roosevelt's Revolution

January 1937
Unemployment: 15 percent
Dow Jones Industrial Average: 179

Roosevelt was elected again in 1937 and gave his election speech during his inauguration on January 1937. During this year of his presidency, Roosevelt skipped state ratification and increased the number of Supreme Court Justices from 9 to around 15 and possible even more. This elicited strong disapproval from many American citizens and old-fashioned liberals who found it illiberal. As a result, the court supported unions and the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) which gave the government power to regulate manufacturing and giving the Wager Act more power. While Roosevelt began prosecuting Mellon and his connection to the Aluminum Company of America due to revenue, tax, and monopoly, a national convention for doctors, the American Medical Association, a new drug called sulfanilamide was being introduced. Claiming that the drug could easily fight off bacterial infection, it help form on an idea to giving American Citizens national health care and required all the nation's doctors to become a member/officer of the Federal Health Service.

Key Terms:

West Coast Hotel Company v Parrish
Fireside Chats
Adkins v Children's Hospital
Federal Public Health Service
American Medical Association


What was the significance of Roosevelt adding more Justices to the already existing group?

Why did it make Republicans and classical liberals angry?


Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Emergency Railroad Transportation Act

Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, June 16 1933, March 16 2015,

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